Good morning! I’ve a lot to cover in this post vacation/hospitalisation reading roundup, so let’s get on with it, shall we? [book-info]The first book I read was Kate Elliott’s Cold Fire, the second in her Spiritwalker trilogy, a young adult fantasy series. I admit I really struggled with this book. It is the middle book in the trilogy and I really felt that. I liked the characters and the world and the dilemmas our protagonist had to navigate were interesting. The whole answer a question with a question scenario was wonderfully done. However, with no resolutions I still really had to force myself to complete this book, and I think it will be a while before I attempt book three. I gave Cold Fire three stars out of five. [book-info number=1]Hotel Valhalla Guide to the Norse Worlds by Rick Riordan pretty much does what it says on the tin. It is a slim companion volume to Riordan’s Magnus Chase series based on Norse mythology and provides a succinct and witty guide to the Norse pantheon. If you’re familiar with Riordan’s style, this is more of the same. Personally I’m not as familiar with Norse mythology as say Greco-Roman so this…