Hello, I’m sorry for the long delay in an entry. It’s been a crazy month or so with a trip to Scotland, a visit to Texas and a current extended stay in a Quebec emergency room with a seriously infected leg. There are a few posts I’m planning to share. One on the The Testing Book One in The Testing Trilogy. by Joelle Charbonneau kindly given to me for review via Netgalley. This is a YA distopian novel and worth picking up. Full review soon. I also plan to write about my experience with Tepp Wireless and as an Anglophone in the Quebec emergency health system Just don’t expect these posts next week, OK! Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.
Hello, I’m sorry for the long delay in an entry. It’s been a crazy month or so with a trip to Scotland, a visit to Texas and a current extended stay in a Quebec emergency room with a seriously infected leg. There are a few posts I’m planning to share. One on the The Testing Book One in The Testing Trilogy. by Joelle Charbonneau kindly given to me for review via Netgalley. This is a YA distopian novel and worth picking up. Full review soon. I also plan to write about my experience with Tepp Wireless and as an Anglophone in the Quebec emergency health system Just don’t expect these posts next week, OK! Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.