Reading roundup – January 9th 2015

January 9, 2015

So welcome to my first reading roundup of 2015!  Yay!  The first thing I want to talk about this week is my GoodReads reading challenge for 2015.  I failed to achieve my goal of 100 books last year – I read 91 – and I noticed that because I was listening to more audiobooks, books were taking me longer to finish.  This year I have set my goal for 75 books.  That’s still just under a book and a half a week.

My family was also very generous to me over the festive season.  I was showered with Amazon and iTunes vouchers – thanks everyone, you know me well!  I also received the gift of Amy Poehler’s Yes, Please! book in my Christmas stocking.  I look forward to reading that.

This week I did something I don’t often do – I accepted I was never going to finish a book and removed it from my currently reading list.  The book in question was Endgame by James Frey and Nils Johnson-Shelton.  I’m sorry, but life is too short to stick with a book that really isn’t doing anything for me.  You can check out my review to see why I dumped it.

To respark my interest in reading, I picked up a cutesy romance – in this case Stephanie Perkins’ Lola and the Boy Next Door.  I loved it and it really hit the spot.  Look for a full review soon.

I am currently reading Brandon Sanderson’s Firefight, which I’m enjoying immensely and this book also marks the first time I’ve listened to an audiobook since I got fitted with hearing aids.  Yay for Sanderson!  I’m hoping to  get back into audiobooks in the next couple of weeks when I take delivery of a Bluetooth streamer and headset which will allow me to stream my audiobooks directly to my hearing aids.  Woohoo for tech!

While I was on vacation with my family, I introduced my father-in-law to the delights of Whispersync for Voice with Brandon Sanderson’s Words of Radiance.  I’m curious to learn how he gets on with it.  For me, the integration between Kindle and audiobook really rocks my world.

Added to my library this week

Firefight by Brandon Sanderson.  This is the second book in the Reckoners series.  I’m really enjoying it so far.  I picked this up in both Kindle and Audible formats.

Lola and the Boy Next Door.  I was really, really in the mood for some light, cutesy romance and Lola was really calling to me.  I’m happy I picked it up in, you guessed it, both Kindle and Audible formats

Amazon had a great deal on N.K. Jemisin’s Inheritance trilogy.  I’d  heard great things about this, so I snapped it up.  This was in Kindle format.

As I mentioned I received Amy Poehler’s Yes, Please! as a Christmas gift.

The last book I picked up this week was borrowed from the library.  It’s the ebook of Poehler’s partner-in-crime Tina Fey’s Bossypants.  This is read by the author herself and I’m looking forward to it.

That’s all for this week folks!  Have a good weekend and stay warm.

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