The Broken Eye by Brent Weeks is the third and penultimate in his Lightbringer series following on from The Black Prism and The Blinding Knife. It continues the story of Prism Gavin Guile and his illegitimate son Kip and their attempt to stop the Seven Satrapies from collapsing under the pressure of the Color Prince and his new gods. My impression of this book was that it was very much a middle book – concentrating more on positioning the characters for the final assault. It concentrated more on character development than moving the plot forward. While there were a couple of eyebrow raising moments for me, but nothing compared to the couple of WTF?!? moments of the previous books. That’s not to say I didn’t enjoy it. What I liked The magic system. For this series Weeks has created a wonderfully developed magic system. I usually consider Brandon Sanderson the master of magic system development, but with this colour-based system Weeks could give him a run for his money. In essence, Weeks’ magic system works in the opposite manner to a candle. A candle takes a physical substance – wax – and converts it into light. Weeks’ magic users (drafters)…