The Bone Season is Samantha Shannon’s debut dystopian novel and tells the story of clairvoyant Paige and her experiences as a prisoner of the alien Rephaim. I actually found this review quite difficult to write. It has been rescheduled time and time again. This is because, although I have read The Bone Season I’m still not entirely certain how I feel about it. It probably didn’t help that the hype machine was in full flow for this novel claiming that Shannon was the next J.K. Rowling. That set an impossibly high bar for the novel. What I liked The unique world building. The world of The Bone Season feels fresh and unique. There are layers within layers. The novel starts in a dystopian future version of London in which clairvoyance is illegal. This society is nicely described, but then we get another layer of the world of the Rephaim and Emim. The relationship between Paige and Warden. It was pretty clear that Shannon was setting up a romantic relationship between Paige and her keeper, Warden. Initially I was very resistant to that; it seemed such an imbalanced relationship with Warden’s having the power of life and death over Paige. Shannon…
The Bone Season is Samantha Shannon’s debut dystopian novel and tells the story of clairvoyant Paige and her experiences as a prisoner of the alien Rephaim. I actually found this review quite difficult to write. It has been rescheduled time and time again. This is because, although I have read The Bone Season I’m still not entirely certain how I feel about it. It probably didn’t help that the hype machine was in full flow for this novel claiming that Shannon was the next J.K. Rowling. That set an impossibly high bar for the novel. What I liked The unique world building. The world of The Bone Season feels fresh and unique. There are layers within layers. The novel starts in a dystopian future version of London in which clairvoyance is illegal. This society is nicely described, but then we get another layer of the world of the Rephaim and Emim. The relationship between Paige and Warden. It was pretty clear that Shannon was setting up a romantic relationship between Paige and her keeper, Warden. Initially I was very resistant to that; it seemed such an imbalanced relationship with Warden’s having the power of life and death over Paige. Shannon…