Through @katytastic I recently learned about BookTubeAthon – a book reading marathon for YouTube book bloggers. Take a look at the introductory videos. Although I don’t blog on YouTube, I think this sounds a really exciting idea, and I look forward to taking part.
In summary, it’s a challenge to book bloggers to read as much as possible between 15th and 21st July and to complete certain challenges:
- average 300 pages a day
- read a book of over 500 pages
- reread a book
- finish a series
- read a book that’s been on your shelf for ages
- listen to one audiobook
- read a classic
Readers are permitted, if not encouraged, to be creative and to combine challenges. As I’m working twelve hour shifts the latter part of the week (oh, how I wish I didn’t need to earn money to feed my book addiction so I could read and write all day…), it may be even more of a challenge, however I will give it my best shot. I already have some ideas of how I’m going to tackle this. Audible has Pride and Prejudice as an audiobook for just $1.95, which is already in my library. This will complete the challenge of reading a classic and listening to an audiobook. For those of you thinking about trying an audiobook this might be an excellent start. This edition has Whispersync for Voice if you already have the Kindle version.
To finish a series and read a book that’s been on my shelf for ages, I’m thinking of reading Kate Elliot’s Traitor’s Gate to complete the Crossroads series. I reviewed the first one, Spirit Gate, earlier on. Amazon tells me I bought Traitor’s Gate back in January of 2011, so I think this counts as having been on my shelf for ages! According to GoodReads, it has 574 pages in the hard copy (I’ll read it on my Kindle, naturally), so it will also meet the challenge to read a book of over 500 pages. I have Robin Hobb’s Assassin’s Apprentice also on audiobook which would be a reread to compete challenge three.
Given my compressed timeline, challenge one is going to prove the most, well, challenging. P&P has 279 pages according to Goodreads so along with Traitor’s Gate I’m still rather short of the 2100 pages to meet the challenge. I have a little time yet to decide what to read. The books at the top of my TBR list at the moment are: The Companions by R.A Salvatore, The Godborn by Paul S. Kemp and The Scrivener’s Tale by Fiona McIntosh.
So those are my plans for BookTubeAthon 2013. If you’re planning to join me in this event, good luck, and please let me know in the comments below. I will of course keep you all informed of my progress. You can follow my tweets @evelynne_r. Please feel free to add me.
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