Gadget envy

October 1, 2012

Sigh. I really should not have spent yesterday evening looking at reviews for the Kindle Paperwhite eReader. They unanimously give the device a “glowing” review. Now I really, REALLY want one. This is a device I use on a daily basis, so it’s something I don’t mind paying for. In addition, it appears Amazon has discontinued the Kindle Touch, so there will be no more software updates. That is my excuse and I’m sticking to it!

As I live in Canada, I am unable to purchase directly from Amazon, so I’ve had to go through They called me yesterday to confirm my order, and I will likely receive it the first week in November. Their first batch is 20, and I’m the 30th preorder. Other than the front lighting, new screen and capacitive touch, I’m very excited about the updated UI. From what I’ve seen on the review videos, it looks so much nicer with the book covers.

On the other hand, I won’t have to wait as long for my Kobo Glo. Tracking indicates it’s halfway between Mississauga and Montreal, so I imagine it will arrive tomorrow. I’m very much looking forward to seeing it in person. I have been searching the web for reviews/unboxings of the Kobo Glo, but there seem to be very few. In a way, it’s sad that it’s been overshadowed by the Kindle Paperwhite launch. Naturally, I will post a review once I have it.

I could have really done with my Kobo Glo this morning – I was awake at 4am and wanted to read. I didn’t want to wake my husband, so ended up reading on my Nexus 7 tablet.

On a different matter, I mentioned in a recent post that I’d been blown away with Amazon’s new Whispersync for Voice and I’ve been experimenting with it. In fact, I’m enjoying it so much I’ve even reactivated my Audible account. The book with which I most appreciated using it was Brent Weeks’ The Blinding Knife. I really got into this book, but as we were expecting weekend guests, I didn’t have time to sit and read a lot. With the audiobook, I found I was able to listen to it while i was working around our house, switching to my Kindle when I took a break. Tor has decided to delay the publication of the final Wheel of Time as an ebook until three months after the hardback – boo, hiss, Tor – and as I really don’t want another hardback, I will be getting the Audible version on release day.

I will not be doing my Most Difficult Books this next week or two as I’m busy with other things, but will catch up at some point. My next post will likely be the review of the Kobo Glo – see you then!

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