My tweets
Uncategorized / May 14, 2012

Mon, 00:17: I would like to congratulate the writers and cast of Once Upon a Time on a pitch perfect season finale. Roll on Season 2! #ouat Mon, 00:45: RT @AaronFullerton: Every time I use Google Maps, I want to set it to “‘Game of Thrones’ Opening Credits Mode.” Mon, 00:45: RT @richeisen: You know your wife is watching too much Game of Thrones when she wants a direwolf for Mother’s Day. Mon, 01:26: #gameofthrones There’s more spark (if non sexual) between Arya and Tywin than Robb and his love interest. Mon, 01:27: #AManWithoutHonor More spark (if non sexual) between Arya and Tywin than Robb and his love interest. Mon, 01:28: RT @Lady_Catelyn: Next time I need a babysitter I’ll call Tywin Lannister.