All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill – Review
Book Reviews , eBook reviews / December 2, 2013

All Our Yesterdays by Cristen Terrill is a YA dystopian sci-fi time travel novel which tells the story of spoiled teen Marina and freedom fighters Em and Finn.  The twist – Marina and Em are the same character, only four years apart in age.  Em and Finn have travelled back in time to try to prevent the creation of the dystopian police state in which they are living.  To do this, they must kill “the doctor” a figure with close connections to all three of them. It is the first in a two-book series although it could work as a standalone, depending on your interpretation of the ending. What I liked Character development.  One of the great strengths of All Our Yesterdays is seeing the characters’ journey.  Through time travel timey wimey we meet three characters at two separate stages of their lives, Marina/Em, Finn and James.  We see how their experiences in a four-year period have changed them. Through Em we see where Marina will end up if Em and Finn are unable to complete their task.  The Marina we meet at the beginning is, let’s face it, one of the most annoying, bratty teens in YA – think…