Delicious Library and My Out-of-Control TBR List
Miscellaneous / August 5, 2013

Recently, I spent a fun couple of days putting together a digital bookshelf of all my books with Delicious Library (Mac OS X only).   I particularly appreciated being able to view my Kindle and Kobo ebooks, physical hard copy books (of which I still have a few) and Audible audiobooks all in the one place.  The software includes a barcode scanner, so you can scan in and add physical hard copy books.  Audible audiobooks and iBooks are added via iTunes and I used a drop and drag from the Amazon Manage Your Kindle page to add my Kindle collection.  I had to manually search for and add my Kobo books.  I should note that Digital Library has full iTunes integration so it also includes your iTunes movies and TV shows.  It took me a little while to work out how to include Audible and ebooks on the same shelf – but a quick Google search indicated that I needed to edit my shelf to include both “iTunes Audiobook” and “book” type content.   Delicious Library can also generate fascinating stats about your library.  For example, I learned that to listen to my entire Audible collection back to back would take me…