Reading Roundup – 17th January 2015
Reading Roundup / January 17, 2014

This week I have been reading not for fun.  My husband and I were recently given the date for our Canadian citizenship exam, so I have been working my way through  Discover Canada – The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship.  This is required reading for the exam, and the Government of Canada very helpfully offers it in hard copy, electronic format and as an audiobook. My husband, being a traditionalist, is working from our hard copy while I am following along on my Kindle Fire. I’ll be perfectly honest.  It’s been a while since I’ve had to study for an exam – probably at least 20 years or so now – and it’s hard.  While it’s interesting reading about my adopted homeland, it’s tough wondering what we will be asked and what I’ll need to remember.  It’s also been a while since I’ve had to actually retain information.  In the jobs I’ve had we’ve not been expected to know everything, but to be able to access resources to do our jobs. Any tips from those who’ve been through the process would be most welcome.  I took at look at the UK citizenship test – I would have failed that one!…